Clarksburg, MA Restaurants
The Berkshires offer an array of fine restaurants, taverns, coffee shops, bakeries, sandwich shops and pizzerias, with one certain to appeal to your palate, as well as your pocket book. From casual dining to gourmet excellence, as well as great pizza, sandwiches and your favorite ice-cold beverage. The restaurants of the Berkshires are known for pleasing even the most demanding of clientele. Have a Berkshire restaurant or dining question, or need help making a restaurant reservation in Berkshire County? Call or email us for assistance.
Below, Please Find Our Clarksburg, MA Dining Map And Restaurant List, Located In The Northern Berkshires.
For other Berkshire Dining options, please click the Northern Berkshire, Central Berkshire or Southern Berkshire Restaurant links below.
Golden Eagle Restaurant
1935 Mohawk Trail
Clarksburg, MA
(413) 663-9834
Northern Berkshires
Cuisine – Restaurant: American